Yergen's Missions

Mission Location: Overlook
Missions Begun From: Yergen
- A Bright Idea
- Trash Diggers
- Paintlings
- My Prized Collection
- Para-Troopers
- Experimental Recycling
- Trisectiscope
- U.V.S.P.R.A.D.
- DNA Recall
- Water Storage
Frantic Yerglings have been spotted near the volcano. From what I hear they have been eating all of the light bulbs in the area. You can tell if the Frantic Yerglings are around by the obvious decorations in the area. They just cannot resist themselves. Please, return to me with all the light bulbs from the volcano area.
Items Required:
- Light Bulb x50
- Dropped by Frantic Yergling
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.