Susan's Special Weapons Shop

Location: Susan - East Main Street

Name Level Price
icon-sword.png Lightning Guitar membersmall.png 5 2,000 Fame
icon-sword.png Killbot Club scsmall.png 6 500 SmashCoins
icon-sword.png Tree scsmall.png raresmall.png 6 500 SmashCoins
icon-gun.png Artillery Buster scsmall.png 1 100 SmashCoins
icon-gun.png M-60 scsmall.png 1 600 SmashCoins
icon-gun.png Torchio membersmall.png 1 2,000 Fame
icon-gun.png Frostalizer membersmall.png 1 2,000 Fame
icon-gun.png XTREME 1 2,500 Fame
icon-gun.png Sound Cannon scsmall.png 3 600 SmashCoins
icon-gun.png Tazor scsmall.png raresmall.png 1 800 SmashCoins
icon-gun.png Flames of Revenge scsmall.png raresmall.png 1 750 SmashCoins
icon-gun.png Gatling Gun membersmall.png 4 4,000 Fame
icon-item.png AfterBoom 1 1,000 Fame
icon-sword.png AlphaSword raresmall.png 1 1,000 Fame
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