Spiryt's Missions

Jump to: PumpCON Missions, Scavenger Hunt Daily.

Mission Location: Fair Grounds
Missions Begun From: Spiryt

Note: This mission can only be done once.

Think you've got what it takes to defeat the Wild Wicked Wolfman? Show me your skills, bud! Defeat the Wild Wicked Wolfman and bring me back that canine's tooth as proof. Good luck!

Items Required:

  • Wolfman's Tooth x1


  • 500 Fame
  • 500 Exp

You may also choose one of:

Thanks to Importuneity and Peachii.

Mission Location: Fair Grounds
Missions Begun From: Spiryt
Requirements: Must have Rank 2 Good to access this mission.


Note: This mission can only be completed once a day.

I know that this is supposed to be a spooky time of year, but a PumpCON without candy is the greatest scare of all! Will you help me collect some candy?

Travel around this entire world and hunt down the bad guys responsible for stealing Sweetish Fish, Slobstoppers, Hot Enchiladas, BananaFingers, and Pleasanton Chews. This is a scavenger hunt, so it wouldn't be fun if I told you what monsters HAVE each type of candy, but I will give you one hint: The clues are within the candy names! Good luck, and think hard!

Items Required:


  • 500 Fame
  • 500 Exp
  • 1,000 Rep: Good, -1,000 Rep: Evil

You may also choose one of:

Thanks to Peachii.

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