Skyfrost Assault Blaster

Location: N/A
Price: 0 SmashCoins
Sellback: 0 SmashCoins
Rarity: Promotional Item
Description: Crafted by Dage the Evil (of AQW fame), the SkyFrost Assault Blaster fires concentrated frozen oxygen at your enemies. Your foes receive an icy chill before they meet their maker. This item was obtained by purchasing the 6000 SmashCoin Bonus Package.

  • Added automatically to the inventory of all characters on an account which has purchased the 6000 SmashCoin Bonus Package. Accounts that don't have room in the inventory have the item added to their bank.
  • The SkyFrost set costs $25.00, and is not sold in an in-game shop.

Thanks to Fairgates.

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