Salvager Alpha

----------- Confirm Identity -------------

Do the secret evil handshake.

-------- Access Denied --------
-------- -------- --------
--------Transmitting Response--------

Life form is not a supporter of Master DaVinci. Leave now or face hostility.

Enter DaVinci's Code.

-------- Signal Trasnmitting --------

Search and Destroy
Young Azimoff
Franklin Street Apartments
DaVinci's Notes:
"Success will be rewarded. Failure will be shunned."

- Salvager Alpha's Missions

Tell the robot your name.

-------- Access Denied --------
-------- -------- --------
--------Transmitting Response--------

Life form is not a supporter of Master DaVinci. Leave now or face hostility.

------------- ------------- -------------
------------- ------------- -------------
------------- ------------- -------------

Location: Franklin Street Apartments


Thanks to Zertolurian.

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