PeachiiAE: It's Summer Break and you get to enjoy under the hot sun or have a relaxed time! But this time round we need your help! If you are interested, we are starting a project to replace all defaultbase tags with a _lv1 tag. This will help us to get an auto-updated index for every individual section. I'd appreciate it as it would take some time to get this all done.
PeachiiAE: Please see this post by one of our fellow Helper,
Zero IX , regarding index pages.
PeachiiAE: Confused or unsure on how notes work? Check out the Note Consistency thread for more information on note usages, formats, and more.
The wiki wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!
1023404: Good evening guys and gals! I know it's been a while since we posted.. but I thought I'd dedicate my first one to
Sikipoo &
Zero IX. These guys have been wiki'ing with us for quite a while and have never failed to miss an update. It's people like these two that this wiki needs! To begin, please read the rules of the wiki. If you have any more enquiries about getting into the wiki, please, do not hesitate to PM myself or
PeachiiAE! Wiki ON!
Hina: Happy New Year everyone! Not to start the year off on a bad note or anything…but all Tinypic images have been changed into…unrelated images. If you see any images that do not belong on here, please either help us replace them, tag the page with a "need-image" tag or notify us on the wiki forums! Thanks!

The wiki team wishes to everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!
PeachiiAE: The Image Submission Guidelines has been updated to reflect the change in image taking. Images from now on should be equipped on a character and not as a preview from a shop. Please read through again if you have not seen what's required before adding or replacing an image.
The wiki team wishes everyone a very Happy Halloween!
1023404: A recent suggestion was made to add a Tribute Wall to the wiki to remember those that may have encountered parts in their lives that have affected their attendance and participation in the wiki. This has been confirmed and has been added. Thank you all for working with us! Wiki ON!
Hina: Just a reminder to everyone. Please make sure to add your name WITH your edit, not after the fact, and keep the "Thanks to" lines in alphabetical order. Thanks!
1023404: Recently I have noticed a few more users entering the HeroSMASH! Wiki, and it's a pleasure to see. Along the lines of this, a few questions have been asked about images and their properties. Remember that images are always preferred to be taken with either the .JPEG or the .PNG extension. Images will have to be high-quality for a clear projection of what the item is! Could you also try and equip the item that you're entering into the wiki as this will also provide a good idea of what the armor/weapon/etc. will look like equipped. Thank you very much for your participation into the Wiki and good luck Wiki'ing.
Hina: The Wiki IRC Channel page is now available for those who want to join a chat room for HS while using the wiki! For discussion on this page, check out this page.
Hina: Alrighty, after God knows how long, we're finally introducing the helper system to the HSwiki. Here's your chance to be part of the HSwiki team and help players by adding information! If you know your way around the wiki and are interested in helping out, post here! I've also reorganized the forum so it's a little easier to navigate.
PeachiiAE: We are currently in the process of adding "seasonal" tag which will replace the rare tag to all seasonal items. Most of the seasonal items will have a "seasonal rare" or a "seasonal item" rarity on it. Please add the rarelarge.png image tags on the seasonal tags just below the year tabs. An example would be like this. Thank you.
1023404: Hello everyone! I do have to say that when you're editing, the least we ask of you is the correct template being used, the pictures are a high quality (I recommend .PNG) and finally, you triple check your edits! Like Peachii stated before, we do have a Wiki Q&A thread for any questions you may ask! We're trying to make this wiki the most suitable for you guys, so please give us a hand and make your edit the best it can be! If you do have any further inquiries, please PM either
Haileym1 - Angelita or
PeachiiAE. Thank you, and good luck! :D

Note: When I finished the week in which were these items, it will revert the page and will have no item, this page do not necessarily always have to have items.
Haileym1 - Angelita: I just wanted to announce that I updated the pages alpha test, beta test and new releases. Now the system has changed in the three pages, please read the new definitions on every page:
- Alpha Test: Releases made during the alpha test.
- Beta Test: Releases made during the beta test (although so far not finished this test).
- New Releases: All releases that came out during the week.
I also wanted to thank the whole HS wiki team for achieve do page Chronicle of Releases, is an excellent job! The page will start from the alpha test and beta test, then continue with future releases. As Peachii said, the section of helpers will be open when I finished the beta test, because now we do not need helpers, also there are not many people who can place your apply. No more to inform, I cordially dismissal.
PeachiiAE: Hi everyone. If you're not sure of what to do before editing, we have the Wiki Q&A thread for you to ask, rather than getting the moderators to revert the revisions back repeatedly if you did something wrong. You can also message one of the HSWiki moderators for help. Please refrain from touching existing page if you think you are unsure, or feel that you could be doing wrong.
Also, Helpers application will likely begin after the Beta Test phase in HeroSmash. Reason is because there's no need for helpers right now, it's just similar to normal users editing except with special privileges. If you're interested, try to help out on pages that require editing, like images, information that you can find, etc, and get your status up till guru. I'm sure there are TONS of pages requiring improvements, including rare items which you can edit according to format. Once there's more people editing we might open up the Helpers application thread.
Last but not least, we'll be trying to follow how the AQWWiki works. So all formats used should likely be the same. If you're unsure you can look at the AQWWiki and their style of creating pages. I'm sure it's not difficult to apply it here. If you've any suggestions and wanted to place here, kindly go to our wiki forum and post in one of the suggestion thread. Thanks for helping out in the HSWiki!
Nightly: Nightly here just popping in to say hi! :D You all are doing an amazing job!
PeachiiAE: We'll be using a new format for seasonal rare items from today. All items tagged with '11, '12, or any items with year tags will be merged into a single page. You should be able to see pages moving around for some time. In addition, I've recently updated the Beta Test page in collapsible format for easier browsing.
Haileym1 - Angelita: Unfortunately, I closed the page 'Beta Test' because they had added extremely perverted comments made by a user disoriented. I will reopen the page when fully updated, since I can not update the page alone. Guys, do not forget that when I finish beta test in-game recruit new helpers in HeroSmash Wiki.
Haileym1 - Angelita: Since lately we are getting new users, wanted to post this announcement to recommend some tips to improve your edits:
- First, it is essential to read the HS Wiki Rules, also the Wiki How-to/Q&A (guide to use the wiki). Recently I saw that users do not read, we must read those posts to edit it good and clear to all users using the wiki.
- I also saw that various users repeatedly editing a page, PLEASE, modify all data in a single edition to not having a history so long for the page and for the moderators can correct the errors.
Already from these announcements, I hope you can improve your edits on the wiki. Coming soon: Will post the 'helpers' and a history of all the releases that will be placed in the sidebar. Thank you very much for reading and good luck.
The wiki wishes to everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!
Ashari: We've added a new category to the Head Items listing. All items marked as "Head" in-game should go in the Heads listing. The new tag for all head related items (Facial Markings, Masks, Hair, Heads, Helms, Scars) is "headitem", please only use the "head" tag if it's marked as a Head in-game.
Nightly: Nightly has returned to irritate all the other Mods here! Celebrate now! :D
Ashluv does not match any existing user name: With the new update, the rarity of an item has been added. They can be found in the item description, where it is in the color of gold/yellow. From now on, please add the rarity of the item and if not, remove them from the entry.
Hina: For shops like BOOM-ingdales and the like, where multiple NPCs are inside, don't create a "Blah's Weapon Shop", "Blah's Armor Shop", etc. Instead, just stick it all onto the shop's page as separate tables (view pages like BOOM-ingdales, TITANium Threads, etc. for examples of what I mean). The tables are connected if they're from the same NPC, disconnected otherwise.
Ashluv does not match any existing user name: Please, at all times, remember to put a comment in the box why you are editing the page so that we will know what change you made.
Ashluv does not match any existing user name: HUGE update for the Beta Phase. Please use the Beta Test page now, instead of the Alpha Test, to put new information and necessary corrections. Thanks!
Hina: Major update for Alpha Test Stage III. We no longer have Gold, so if you see "Gold" anywhere, replace it with "Fame". Few pages got renamed to reflect the changes in-game, like Battleon -> Liberty Square. Also gonna start deleting things that no longer exist in the game. I'll also mention that the shop names should be as they are in-game. (i.e. "TITANium Threads", not "Titanium Threads". Not a huge deal, but it's best to be accurate.)
mturf: Also see this post regarding powers.
mturf: Please remember we prefer screenshots WITHOUT unnecessary additional items equipped.
mturf: Now we look pretty! Logo and banner in place and lookin' good ^-^
Hina: Looks epic :D
mturf: Just a reminder, the rules here are the same as the aqw wiki, please do not edit your images. This includes removing the text on the preview window. Just crop the image suitably, the rest stays.
Ashluv does not match any existing user name: When taking screenshots for armors, please try to focus on the armor only. Unequipping unnecessary items would be good so that the image can be the armor only. (e.g. Weapons, masks, gloves, etc.) Hair items are fine to be left on, but any other equipments should be unequipped.
mturf: Removed the logo because its the ugliest thing i'v seen since i was first given a mirror. Will put up the proper one when we have it. ^-^
Hina: When taking screenshots of anything that goes on the head, please include the entire head and not just the mask/markings themselves.
Hina: Lol woops, just fixed the joining page.
Hina: Most of this wiki is still incomplete as we're changing how we do a few things. Locations can wait as they're pretty much impossible to record at the moment, image-wise. Currently, everything exists on the Alpha Test page. Feel free to add things that are missing, creating the pages, and all that jazz. As this is an alpha test, nothing is finalized. Items can be tagged with item-types (i.e. armor, axe, gun, glove, etc), parenting to index pages, etc.
The item templates have unneeded fields right now, but I left them there as placeholders. Please remove them accordingly (keep the obvious ones like description) when you create an item page, at least until they fix the preview windows.