Mission Location: Trader Town
Missions Begun From: General Smash
Note: These missions can only be done once.
- Who runs Tradertown?
- Getting Noticed
- Collecting Parts: Part 1
- Collecting Parts: Part 2
- Collecting Parts: Part 3
- Collecting Parts: Part 4
- Collecting Parts: Part 5
- Collecting Parts: Part 6
- Collecting Parts: Part 7
- Ride to Fame
- Hire Help
- Roughed Riders
- A Bigger Threat
- Threat Averted
- Not Quite Averted
- Hit to the Heart
- Break Out!
- A Music Player
- We Need More POWER!
- Follow that CAR!
- Hired Riders
- BlasterMaster's Blunder
This place is clearly a wreck but why would death send us here? We better find out who is in charge and ask them about the situation. Question 6 traders.
Apparently, 'BlasterMaster' runs trader town and he is rather interested in those who have resources to spare. We need to get noticed by him and fame is clearly the best way to do that.
Items Required:
- Questioned Trader x6
- Click on the traders located all over the town
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
We have to get noticed if we are going to get close to BlasterMaster! To do that we need a car and fuel. If you can find a source of fuel, then it will be worth building a car.
Well it's crude, but it will have to do.
Items Required:
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Well…we have some fuel. It will have to do. First off, we need an engine. You might be able to find a trader or junker who has one. If you can't then try the 'Barter Bar' … that is, if you have something to barter with.
Good, and not as many holes as I expected!
Items Required:
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Now that we have a suitable engine, go see if you can find an alternator. You might be able to find a trader or junker who has one. Again, you can also try the 'Barter Bar' but you must have something to barter with.
Good work…it seems like it is usable.
Items Required:
- Alternator x1
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
We're on the way to a runnin' machine! Now see if you can get some 8 Spark Plugs. Again, the 'Barter Bar' is a possible option….
Excellent - these will work nicely!
Items Required:
- Spark Plug x8
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Next step - a 12 Volt Battery. Keep checking with the traders or junkers. If you can't find one from them, try the 'Barter Bar'.
Wow, I'm surprised you could find one in such good shape!
Items Required:
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Almost done! We need 2 other essential parts - a fuel tank and a radiator. Keep checking junkers and traders, they seem helpful. You can always try the 'Barter Bar', too.
Great work! We are almost set!
Items Required:
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
I've started assembling the car but we need some engine oil before it can run. Check your usual places that you got the parts from.
This should do, seems like it's not too old.
Items Required:
- Engine Oil x3
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
The car is almost finished! The last step is to be able to handle the abrasive drivers in the area. You find some weapons and I'll get this car running. First step, try the 'Barter Bar'. See if there are any weapons there you might be able to get your hands on.
You really went all out didn't you. Expecting a war?
Items Required:
- Rusty Gatling Gun x1
- Cannon x1
- Flame Thrower x1
- Ball and Chain x1
- Box of Mines x1
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
BlasterMaster has set up a little game for his riders. Some slaves have escaped and their location was reported to him. The first to return with the slaves will most certainly be rewarded. Get to that wasteland camp before the other riders. Use force if you have to and rescue those slaves.
You did it? Great! Not only did you best BlasterMaster's riders but you have caught the eye of the people.
Items Required:
- Slaves Rescued x1
- Complete the 'MadSmash - Ride to Fame' mini-game
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Collecting Parts: Part 7' mission.
If driving isn't your thing I'm sure you can find some drivers in the town that will get to those slaves before anyone else. It will cost you about 100 gum to get the best. Check the Barterbar for the Hired Help.
Ok, we will let the hired help get to the slaves, now for the next step.
Items Required:
- Hired Help x1
- 50 Fame
- 50 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Ride to Fame' or 'Hire Help' mission.
It's pretty obvious the locals appreciate you roughin' up the riders, but the riders don't! If you show these guys an inch they will take it a mile. Go ensure they know who their superior is. I'm going to have a talk with BlasterMaster about your progress.
I knew you would be able to handle that. I have some new and interesting news for you…
Items Required:
- Roughed Riders x1
- Dropped by Rider
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
I overheard some rumors and if I'm correct, there are some pretty sick monsters waiting for us in the 'Undertown'. Sick as in radiation poisoning so bad they have MUTATED! Take a look and bring back proof of these monstrosities.
That's not a good sign.
Items Required:
- Radioactive Flesh x1
- Dropped by Mutant
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
I imagine that BlasterMaster is getting these mutants to run the furnaces. If he sees us as a threat, he might turn those big guys on us. However, we are smart and are one step ahead of him. Go put those Mutants out of commission.
I don't think it was enough.
Items Required:
- Mutant Defeated x8
- Dropped by Mutant
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
You will need to head back down there and get rid of 8 more Mutants. We must ensure BlasterMaster does not have a fighting force!
Still not a good sign, these guys just regenerate after you defeat them…
Items Required:
- Mutant Defeated x8
- Dropped by Mutant
- 150 Fame
- 150 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
We have to take BlasterMaster down strategically… and win the hearts of his followers. We need— Trina Tuner! Her songs can capture the hearts of anyone listening. Problem is, I believe she is locked up in the Blunder Dome. Check it out! Come back if you have found her in there.
She is there! Ok, time to break her out!
Items Required:
- Blunder Dome Scouted x1
- Go to Screen 6
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
This part is simple, break into the Blunder Dome, get rid of Trina Tuner's 3 Guards and bail out of there! HURRY!
You have returned! Trina Tuner will definitely be willing to sing for us due to our rescue!
Items Required:
- Guard Defeated x3
- Dropped by Guard
- Trina Found x1
- Speak to Trina Tuner
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Trina was so grateful she agreed to record an alluring album for us. If we play this album in the wasteland it should lure the mutants away and leave BlasterMaster alone. Search the Traders, Junkers and Guards for a Music Player of any kind.
Oh, wow! You found three. This will be useful.
Items Required:
- Music Player x3
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
We need something to power these music players with. This way we can hook them up to the speaker system and the whole town will hear her beautiful words, praising us! I suggest visiting the Barter Bar for 3 Potatoes. That should do it.
Perfect. I will have these ready in no time.
Items Required:
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
I sent a caravan out into the wasteland to setup the music player. BlasterMaster found out our plan and is on his way to stop the caravan. You must protect it! Use the Dollarean, and catch BlasterMaster before it is too late!
You've done it! I guess the only thing left is to publicly challenge BlasterMaster in the Blunder Dome.
Items Required:
- Caravan Defended x1
- Complete the 'MadSmash - Follow that Car!' mini-game
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'We Need More POWER!' mission.
You might consider having some riders go stop that caravan for you. I wouldn't want you to ruin your image or get hurt. Go to the Barterbar and see if you can trade some 150 gum for the Hired Riders.
They'll do the dirty work now you have to finish this.
Items Required:
- Hired Riders x1
- 50 Fame
- 50 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Follow that CAR!' or 'Hired Riders' mission.
I've sent the word and the crowd will be waiting to see you face BlasterMaster! Head on in to the Blunder Dome. BlasterMaster isn't the brightest so mess with his head and he will go down fast. Don't try using any sort of radiation, he is practically mutated already. Defeat BlasterMaster.
You have done it? Really? Amazing, but now who run Tradertown?
Items Required:
- BlasterMaster Blundered x1
- Dropped by BlasterMaster
- 2,500 Fame
- 1,000 Exp
- 5,500 Rep: Shadow
Thanks to Peachii.