Mission Location: Ingiru
Missions Begun From: Dr. Illinois Johnson
Note: These missions can only be done once.
- Scout About
- Ingirun Idol
- What does it mean?
- The Basics
- Ingirun Grammar
- Securely Locked
- Ancient Gateway
- Fire Sticks
- Doing it the Hard Way
- Light it Up!
- Will it fit?
- Gem of Piety
- Gem of Tolerance
- Gem of Truth
- The Urgent Deterrence
- Bandits Shmandits
- Respect the Prophecy
- Gem of Loyalty
- The Truth of Ingiru
First thing first my friend, we must scout the ruins for any sort of threat to the archeologist(s)… me! Rumors are that yeti roam this cave. If you find any, take care of them.
What beasts, there has to be a good reason why those yetis are so hostile.
Items Required:
- Yeti Defeated x10
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
I need to know exactly what is in there. At this point we have only heard rumors. Get in there and find anything that could give us a hint if the treasure is going to be worth our while.
Yes, this is very promising. We must find more and do so first.
Items Required:
- Gemmed Idol Found x1
- Click on the gem idol on Screen 3
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
The gem you brought back has some inscriptions on it but I cannot translate it. Capture 4 of the indigenous bandits and bring them to me. I have a feeling they might know about these writings.
I have been speaking with these captured bandits. It seems there are several lost scrolls which can help translate the language.
Items Required:
- Captured Bandits x4
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
According to the bandits the translation scrolls have been destroyed. You must find the scraps so I can put them together. They could be anywhere inside the cave. Check the yeti, the bandits, archeologists or the cave floors even. Bring back 5 scraps so I can attempt to put together the basics of the Ingirun language.
This is enough for me to begin deciphering but not enough to fully translate.
Items Required:
- Scroll Scraps x5
- Dropped by Archeologist
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
There is are still a large portion portions of these texts that don't make any sense. It's got to be the grammar. It's almost as if they are using nouns as verbs and adjectives don't exist… I need more examples of the language. Please check the yeti, the bandits, archeologists or the cave floors even for 5 7 more samples of Ingirun language.
Excellent, more sample scraps. I've been working while you were collecting more samples. You won't believe what I found while you were gone!
Items Required:
- Scroll Scraps x7
- Dropped by Archeologist
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- 250 Fame
- 250 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
From what I've pieced together, the statues lined around these caves are the key to entering the ancient ruins. If we get those statues, we could access the ancient treasures. Clear the way to the eastern most statue and secure it's gem.
You got it! I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle. I will begin studying it immediately.
Items Required:
- Yeti Patty x6
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- Gem of Fortune x1
- Click on the blue gem on the statue at Screen 2
- 250 Fame
- 250 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Now that we have one of the gems, let's make sure it will fit into the lock. I'm not sure what this means but the lock is also referred to as the Gatekeeper? Be on your guard. No doubt it will make sense when we discovered the entrance. Quickly now find the entrance and insert that gem.
I'm certain the location you found is what we were looking for but we will need light if we want to discover its secrets.
Items Required:
- Gate Found x1
- Go to the far right at Screen 23
- 200 Fame
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Peachii and Ashari.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
It is way too dark in that hall to know how to open the gate. We will have to craft a few more torches and light up the place ourselves. Start by searching yetis for oily rags.
A rag soaked in oil will burn for a very long time. That will help us maintain a good light source in the gateway chamber of the cave.
Items Required:
- Oily Rags x7
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- 250 Fame
- 250 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Time to fight bandits until you acquire a flint and steel. We can use the flint and steel to make sparks and light the torches!
Now that I think about it, if you have any fire powers you probably should have told me so you didn't have to go on a scavenger hunt for flint and steel.
Items Required:
- Flint x1
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- Steel x1
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- 250 Fame
- 250 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Time to find out what that gateway really looks like. Take the torches to that chamber and light them up. We need to be able to see our way. I will meet you there.
This is kinda creepy. That statue must have been some sort of god the Ingurin worshiped.
Items Required:
- Torches Lit x7
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Place the gem you found onto the door. We must know if it fits.
A clicking sound? That must mean it was working.
Items Required:
- Idol Gem Secured x1
- Click on the gate on Screen 23
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
The first one fits. Now please find the Gem of Piety. There should be a glowing idol somewhere in these caves.
I hope that wasn't much trouble.
Items Required:
- Gem of Piety x1
- Click on the gem idol on Screen 21
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
According to the inscriptions on this statue there are several artifacts missing from the statue. While you secure the next gem, the Gem of the Tolerance, please search for the Urn of Chador. Most assuredly the bandits are trying to run out with it.
Good work. This may feel like a lot of legwork but just imagine the reward when we finished finish here.
Items Required:
- Gem of Tolerance x1
- Click on the gem idol on Screen 18
- Urn of Chador x1
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
I've got two more targets for you to collect. The Gem of Truth and the Dagger of Esan. We must return these items if we hope to unlock the pathway. The dagger is probably shiny and I wouldn't put it past these Yeti if they have picked it up.
Great, we have almost finished here. You are quite the resourceful archeologist!
Items Required:
- Gem of Truth x1
- Click on the gem idol on Screen 13
- Dagger of Esan x1
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
As I have been translating these texts, it seems it is CRUCIAL we get these relics back to the vessel asap or we might accidentally activate the vessel's defense measures. I've no idea what that means. Just get back here with Tablet of Urthur and the Helm of Vurhu. They could be anywhere.
Great, we have almost finished here. You are quite the resourceful archeologist!
Items Required:
- Tablet of Urthur x1
- Dropped by Archeologist
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- Helm of Vurhu x1
- Dropped by Archeologist
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
These bandits are becoming quite an issue. I cannot concentrate. Not to mention they have been trying to steal these artifacts. We cannot let THEM have 'em… I think I just confused myself. LOOK, I need you to go smash like 15 or so bandits so we can continue working.
I doubt they will continue to cause issues after that.
Items Required:
- Smashed Bandits x15
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (1)
- Dropped by Cave Bandit (2)
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Seriously! A bandit just strapped the Goblet of Pirhin to a yeti's back! That's it, the world is going to end. Why can't these bandits respect the prophecy! Try to find out which yeti it is and hurry back! I don't want this cave collapsing because of some bandit's negligence.
You may have just adverted a world-ending crisis… according to the inscriptions on this statue.
Items Required:
- Goblet of Pirhin x1
- Dropped by Cave Yeti
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
There is one more step to unlocking the mysteries of the ancient civilization of the Ingurin people. We need the Gem of Loyalty. After you get the gem, meet me outside. I must make preparations for our excursion deeper into the caves.
You may have just adverted a world ending crisis… according to the inscriptions on this statue. Excellent work - there are only a few more things we need to do.
Items Required:
- Gem of Loyalty x1
- Click on the gem idol on Screen 11
- 300 Fame
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Peachii and XPoint.
Requirements: Must have completed previous mission.
Return to the gateway. All that is left is to place the artifacts back with the statue, then place the gems into the gateway. I will be following you shortly with supplies.. for who knows what is beyond that door.
I cannot believe that Kalshiva WAS the statue. And you defeated her! I suppose our society must have leveled up from ancient times if a force like Kalshiva was defeated so easily. No offense, of course.
Items Required:
- Artifacts in Place x1
- Click on the statue on Screen 23
- Gems in Place x1
- Click on the gate on Screen 23
- Truth of Ingiru x1
- Goto Screen 24
- 1,500 Fame
- 1,500 1,000 Exp
- 12,500 Rep: Shadow
Thanks to Peachii.