Before defeating 10 Shadow monsters in Deathitude:
The Astronomical Ally
SuperDeath has declared war and it’s up to us good guys to prove we are strongest. I know it can be done—because I have already maxed out my Shadow Reputation!
The only way that we can Unlock Super Death's Door is to defeat 10 Shadow creatures. Look for shadow creatures around this area and defeat them.
After defeating 10 Shadow monsters in Deathitude:
The Astronomical Ally
Now that The door is open we need to go in trhough that door and defeat Super Death. All this power has gone to his head and could be dangerous.
After defeating Ultimate Super Death:
The Astronomical Ally
Great job on defeating Ultimate Super Death! I still have some great shadow gears to sell so don't hesitate on coming by.
Thanks to Angelita, Bhod, Fairgates, and Peachii.