Please discuss new additions here. Thank you.
APB - Automated Police Bot
H.A.L. Droid - Holographic Autonimous Logistics -Droid
Acc - Account
AE - Artix Entertainment
AEF/BOF - BattleOn Forums
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AK - ArchKnight on the BattleOn Forums / ArchKnight Game
AQ - AdventureQuest
AQW - AdventureQuest Worlds
AQ3D - AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of LORE
BG - BattleGems
CC - Color Custom
Char - Character
Char Page/CP - Character Page
Dev - Game Developer
DF - DragonFable
DN - Design Notes
ED - EpicDuel
Exp/XP - Experience Points (Exp) (Used to level up)
F13 - Friday the 13th
FL - Friends List
HM - HeroMart
HS - HeroSmash
Mem (Only) - Member Only
Mod - Moderator
MQ - MechQuest
NPC - Non Playable Character
OL - OverLook
OS - OverSoul
PL - Party Leader
PM - Private Message
PT - Party
PvP - Player versus Player
Rep - Reputation (Used to rank up Factions)
SC - SmashCoins
SD - SmashDome
TB - Team Brawl (A form of PvP)
TLAPD/TLPD - Talk Like A Pirate Day